Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.
"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans
Featuring: Russian ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova

Command Performance
I have been instructed to start the new page Command Performance and to post this. As was stated by me on the homepage:
With her 6 successful European dates under her tuck belt, Fairy Mercury will soon be
touring the UK (dates, venues TBA) after a week long much needed hiatus at Pavlova's
estate in Vienna. Fairy's adoring fans, can you believe it? In two short months
the 'FAIRY ... tale couple' will have been married (talking about Vienna...) a year!
Where does time go?! As the divine lush creature that is Fairy Mercury mentioned,
her and Pavlova will be working on a long overdue new music video.
It will feature footage from her European tour and a variety of live performances
of several 1970s Queen songs.
**Newer fans who don't get the 'tuck' strikethrough I did, reference pages
Flick Of The Wrist and A Little Silhouetto Of A Queen.
As a matter of fact, they are highly recommended reads.
The 'FAIRY ... tale couple' will leave Vienna today and will be back in England for Easter. With Easter now upon us,
I was instructed to post this on their behalf to start out the new page. A look back at Easter of last year in Fairy Land. The glam rock queen decided to run a contest for you, her adoring fans, that one of you could win it became very coveted stunningly breathtaking photo of Fairy autographed by her personal photographer viVid Photo Studio's Greg Hastings, Russian ballet danseur Rudolf Pavlova and the exotic prancer herself Fairy Mercury. Pictured below:

Fan Oliver Duncan was the chosen winner by Fairy herself when he posted this crazy gif (below) in the fan club site comments. Read the details and re-live it on page Bohemian Queen. Happy Easter and thank you for being fans of Fairy!! Speaking of contests, Fairy and Pavlova will be posting of a new contest they have come up with once they return to England. - Jorge Schumann, PR for FM

Fairy Soars - European and UK Tour 2023 ... So Far
Following taken from the homepage
Fans, get ready to go into your wild frenzies and 'hyperventilating hysterics'
'Mr. X' (the famous man who knew both Freddie Mercury and Nureyev in the 1970s) co-written book
'The Fairy Tale Couple' will be sold to concert goers as of Fairy's sold out 17-18 March shows!
Then it will be available to fan club members only for purchase through the fan club site.
With the start her European tour having taken place and her very successful
Dresden, Germany shows complete. Fairy Soars ... off to Berlin.
Both dates have completely sold out as well.
It is absolutely astounding the Fairy Tale Couple book sales and the (new) tour merchandise
sales since Monday when they were added to the fan club site's store.
Haze Theatre's shipping and receiving were put in charge of it and they are
reporting they can hardly keep up with fulfilling the orders.
Fairy's adoring fans, you're the best ever fans she could hope to have!
Fairy now soars to Paris France. Tickets on sale Monday 27 March
for shows booked 31 March and 01 April.
Here's a lame April fool's joke? remark? in advance.
You'd be a ... fool ... not to attend, French fans!
It is 28 March (Tues.) Following taken from Fairy Mercury's fan club site:
Hello dears, just a quick note to let you know we have arrived in France.
Upon arrival, I was notified my 31 March show has completely sold out!!
The second date ('April Fool's Day') I am being teased on how the ticket sales
are doing (quite lame don't you think, dears? Rolls eye lined eyes).
There is hectic craziness over Pavlova being here ... I will post about that
when I find the time. Busy with rehearsals all week, getting in a little sight seeing
and 'important people' ... I failed to mention over the weekend. I am confirming
the rumours that the Loyal Subjects fanzine has ended.
Love and kisses to you all, darlings. Fairy xx
With her 6 successful European dates under her tuck belt, Fairy Mercury will soon be touring the UK (dates, venues TBA) after a week long much needed hiatus at Pavlova's estate in Vienna. Fairy's adoring fans, can you believe it? In two short months the 'FAIRY ... tale couple' will have been married (talking about Vienna...) a year!
Where does time go?! As the divine lush creature that is Fairy Mercury mentioned, her and Pavlova will be working on a long overdue new music video. It will feature footage from her European tour and a variety of live performances
of several 1970s Queen songs.

Hello dears, Pavlova and I have been back in England for 4 days. We returned from Vienna, Easter done and over with now it's time to rock 'n roll and wake the dull lull all of you have been put in up. This will also be posted on my fan club site because it is for my fan club honies only. We are running a contest for you, my darlings. That one of you (aww, I know if only I could let all of you) will have the chance to win an autographed copy of the book The Fairy Tale Couple. It will be autographed by myself and the delectable (highly pleasing) Pavlova. No 'Mr. X' because he is going by pseudonym for the touching reasons he stated as to why he refuses to let his identity be known.

As you know, dears, the above photo was taken after my first ever show at Haze Theatre and I am signing the flyer (Playbill as it's called in theatre) for 'Mr. X' who was cropped out of the photo. It was funny, Rudy started to tell his valet Ron Craster to look for when it was posted about why 'Mr. X' refuses to let his identity be revealed. Then he told his valet in his broken English Russian accent, 'no, I personally look through my femmka's public site for this.'
I watched as he did and it was sort of embarrassing! He would scroll down the pages and pause on all the ... tits ... photos of me ... Remember how my dear best friend and costume designer loves to make light of this, my darlings? How Pavlova behaves towards when I gloss my lips? ... It's the only time the delectable Russian becomes shy ...
More of that another time ... These are two times it was mentioned:
'Mr. X.' refuses to let himself be revealed because he's not bound to upstage Fairy or have Fairy accused of 'riding his coat tails' of fame.
We're (Pavlova and I) the stars and he's not going to upstage. 'Mr. X's' exact word: 'This old dog had his days.
I'm not a jealous spotlight hog too fucking ego driven to share the stage. My hey days have long since come and gone. Besides, you two are far more attractive, exciting and interesting (as your idols were) compared (dreaded fucking word) to anything out there. Past or present. I see why Fairy's fans are very obsessed with you two.'
I admire this man! As you know, dears, he knew my idol Freddie Mercury and Pavlova's idol Nureyev in the 1970s.
He as become my 'mentor'

Hello dears, like always ... that shy one who runs the online fanzine rather go hide in the fan club comments carrying on in 'hyperventilating hysterics' that his 'erotic idol and her prince' paid a visit to his fanzine page.
Anyways, my darlings, I have a guest with me today. Ron Craster the valet ... You know, before I go on, people such as him, the cook 'Prescott', the gardener/groundskeeper, the bodyguards people like these and the stories they have to tell. While I'm at 'the Pavlova estates' more than one, I try to engage them. Apparently the bodyguards are forbidden to speak to me. That 'Prescott' ... I mean, that is the funniest of it all how he (Pavlova) behaves towards the man - such as past posts that have been made on my public site.
Remember I brought up the glossed lips bit the other day? I'm here to finish it. As I mentioned, he (Pavlova) took it upon himself to search through my public site for the times 'Mr. X' and the reason why he won't let his identity be revealed was mentioned. I sat watching him as he did. He came across below photo.

Notice the photo would have it all. The glossed lips and the (as my costume designer describes it) 'cascading necklace' drawing attention to tits .... Pavlova is so fucking allured by the necklace ... So anyways, dears, he pauses looking at the photo with this sexy fucking aroused look, then says, 'well then, that's obviously not it' quickly scrolling down the page so the photo is no longer in view. Then he does this (gif I made from off the reaction video I filmed of him) looking at his valet. Then starts speaking in Russian to his valet.

He got up and left the room. I asked his valet to tell me what he told him in Russian. I'll let him tell it. HA!! I don't care that he'll be reading all this either, darlings!!
Ron Craster (valet for Pavlova & stage director for Haze Theatre and Fairy Mercury tours):
I'm sure I'll be scolded for this, Fairy .... The exotic creature confronted me and I was reluctant to tell her what Pavlova had said to me, even in spite of the fact that she is blushingly overly sexual. He looked at me like in that gif she posted then after a lengthy moment of silence he said to me in Russian, 'if only you could experience those erotic forbidden wet lips sucking my hard cock. The little gasping gagging sounds of her barely able to handle the size of it swelling in her mouth. It is very arousing (short laugh) now I'm aroused. You must excuse me.' he then left the room .... Fairy looked embarrassed as I told her what he had said to me. This is what the lovely creature purred to me in reply, preening the top of her long midnight black hair looking off (obviously too embarrassed to look at me), 'you know, I'm always left wondering after we, you know, have sex - what he thought. I kind of wish I didn't ask you what he said now.' Pavlova came back into the room seconds after she told me that. As her costume designer has often times posted, Fairy is very shy of Pavlova... She left the room. I'll admit, I dread him reading all this ....
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Ronnie old boy, a valet is expected to be the most loyal 'servant' ... Words of Sir Thomas. I laugh how the 'important people' seem to not be kept in mind, that they look at my femmka's public and fan club sites ... oh, I forgot, she is unruly creature ... She must learn to come to me. I will tell her all she desires to know ... She does as boy who - how you say? 'runs' fanzine teases - 'flaunts' for her adoring fans to read such intimacies. Such behavior is very forbidden, how shall I say? in my 'upbringing'?
I asked Jorge Schumann (PR man) if disgusting breed country is still being blocked. He informed me they have been for nearly 2 weeks now. I tell him, no wonder things have been noticeably pleasant and now we must proceed with public site without unwanted interference. My femmka's adoring fans, I am proud to announce an email was sent by Google congratulating her on how many 'visits' her public site received in 28 days.
We now set forth to work on new video.
Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): Pavlova, I'm glad it breathed life back into you and Fairy. Apparently you two missed it when I said I have blocked that freak show country for good. I am no longer doing unblocking at intervals. I didn't see this written on that blocker app: Please note that you'll still see visitors from countries you block (or blocked IPs and Proxies/VPNs) in WiX, Google Analytics or other app reports, but those logs are just visit attempts that got blocked immediately when they arrived.
So unblocking at intervals plan wasn't even necessary because it had no effect on 'indexing' the site. I have to hand it to that analytics crap, that it provides insightful info. Such as someone having searched 'glam rock queen' - the phrase that you had tradmarked for Fairy.... Her site was given 123 impressions on Google and had 78 clicks. That is very good. She is now doing 49% better than sites worldwide in the concerts and music category.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Jorge, don't bore me with statistics. We don't need statistics. She sells out concerts and her fanbase of adoring fans grows. That is all I care for.

He got up and left the room. I asked his valet to tell me what he told him in Russian. I'll let him tell it. HA!! I don't care that he'll be reading all this either, darlings!!
Ron Craster (valet for Pavlova & stage director for Haze Theatre and Fairy Mercury tours):
I'm sure I'll be scolded for this, Fairy .... The exotic creature confronted me and I was reluctant to tell her what Pavlova had said to me, even in spite of the fact that she is blushingly overly sexual. He looked at me like in that gif she posted then after a lengthy moment of silence he said to me in Russian, 'if only you could experience those erotic forbidden wet lips sucking my hard cock. The little gasping gagging sounds of her barely able to handle the size of it swelling in her mouth. It is very arousing (short laugh) now I'm aroused. You must excuse me.' he then left the room .... Fairy looked embarrassed as I told her what he had said to me. This is what the lovely creature purred to me in reply, preening the top of her long midnight black hair looking off (obviously too embarrassed to look at me), 'you know, I'm always left wondering after we, you know, have sex - what he thought. I kind of wish I didn't ask you what he said now.' Pavlova came back into the room seconds after she told me that. As her costume designer has often times posted, Fairy is very shy of Pavlova... She left the room. I'll admit, I dread him reading all this ....
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Ronnie old boy, a valet is expected to be the most loyal 'servant' ... Words of Sir Thomas. I laugh how the 'important people' seem to not be kept in mind, that they look at my femmka's public and fan club sites ... oh, I forgot, she is unruly creature ... She must learn to come to me. I will tell her all she desires to know ... She does as boy who - how you say? 'runs' fanzine teases - 'flaunts' for her adoring fans to read such intimacies. Such behavior is very forbidden, how shall I say? in my 'upbringing'?
I asked Jorge Schumann (PR man) if disgusting breed country is still being blocked. He informed me they have been for nearly 2 weeks now. I tell him, no wonder things have been noticeably pleasant and now we must proceed with public site without unwanted interference. My femmka's adoring fans, I am proud to announce an email was sent by Google congratulating her on how many 'visits' her public site received in 28 days.
We now set forth to work on new video.
Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): Pavlova, I'm glad it breathed life back into you and Fairy. Apparently you two missed it when I said I have blocked that freak show country for good. I am no longer doing unblocking at intervals. I didn't see this written on that blocker app: Please note that you'll still see visitors from countries you block (or blocked IPs and Proxies/VPNs) in WiX, Google Analytics or other app reports, but those logs are just visit attempts that got blocked immediately when they arrived.
So unblocking at intervals plan wasn't even necessary because it had no effect on 'indexing' the site. I have to hand it to that analytics crap, that it provides insightful info. Such as someone having searched 'glam rock queen' - the phrase that you had trademarked for Fairy.... Her site was given 123 impressions on Google and had 78 clicks. That is very good. She is now doing 49% better than sites worldwide in the concerts and music category.
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - Jorge, don't bore me with statistics. We don't need statistics. She sells out concerts and her fanbase of adoring fans grows. That is all I care for.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ My precious fans, remember when I was so sad on my fan club site about how all my Sea Monkeys died but one. Well, today there's a baby! Awww!! Just when you think they all die off they just keep multiplying. I was going to get Aqua Dragons. I read they are a larger version of Sea Monkey. There are some things I just really can't about right now ... The conversation (above). My PR man says it's too much of an effort to do SEO. It's a continuous battle. Then I guess my public site has loads of 'backlinks' yet it still floats between 34-32 in Google rankings. Apparently Google is the only search engine that my site is getting the most action from. Others have only given it measly amount of 'impressions'. In spite of Rudy ... not caring about statistics, he told my PR man he is being paid to promote. Make up your mind, Rudy darling!! I'll even post our laughing gifs - us laughing at you this time, dear! You really are so fucking sexy on the reaction video I filmed of you ...

I then asked my PR man if he posted those 2 photos - the close up that one of you, my precious honies, did of one of my photos and the tunic photo Johann had posted in a past post. He told me no he didn't, that obviously Pavlova had. Puzzled by it, I ... purred ... why? My PR man replied that 'most likely the close up shot was him behaving 'cryptic' about what he posted on the fanzine the other day. As for the tunic, I have no ideal. Could be numerous guesses. I'm curious why he didn't post a photo of you in the satin fairy winged frock you wore to marry him in along with the tunic photo.' I want to ask him about it. He rarely adds photos when he posts for one thing and it's curious the ones he chooses when he does. Book contest details have been posted on the fan club site as of now.
Love and kisses to you all, darlings. Fairy xx

Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - I am ballet danseur. I know not anything PR. I feel bad, femmka, telling Jorge to abandon "SEO" efforts. He tells me things have decreased or come to stand still all because I have him stop. Bullying is immature and doesn't, how you say? 'pay off'. Although we're not the ones doing it ... I asked Francis Boyd to deal with it or else he's done and for good this time. Oh yes, I have lost my custom cockring for good to the lovely slender limp wrist of the unruly creature wishes to make it permanent 'fashionably naughty bracelet' so perhaps I shall have another made ... We work on video this weekend. Hopefully presented in time for upcoming (21-22 April) Brighton shows.
Her adoring fans, she still - how you say? 'carries on' over 'reaction video' she filmed of me because so many of you 'carried on' (peasant talk, Sir Thomas, no?...) over how I behave, talk, etc. towards her. She is my life.
Jorge Schumann (PR for FM): Pavlova, there's been only a 14% dip in the last 14 days. Not much, but you need to let me continue the SEO and marketing efforts. As I had explained, we need to get her site in the top 10 search results on Google (being it's obviously the most used/popular search engine...). Because they say that usually people will only look at the first 5-10 results shown. She fluctuates between 32-34. Highest was 28.
Every Picture Tells A Story
by Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio (personal photographer of glam rock queen™ Fairy Mercury
'Loyal Subjects', my assistant photographer Phil Goldman and myself will be adding to the page the stories behind us doing these two photos below:

So many of you are still carrying on in the comments section over them. For newer fans not quite familiar with me, two pages of recommended reading in the meanwhile:
Unruly Queen (tells how how myself and Fairy's costume designer Johann Wagner met the (1970s decade) Freddie Mercury incarnate who is Fairy Mercury)
Hello dears. While you're waiting for this 'write up' ... (I can hardly wait to hear the Philip Goldman part since I know what went on in the photo shoot of me ...) Who's ready to see the footage in this gif I made appearing in my new music video? xx Fairy

Pavlova - Russian ballet danseur's comments (translated from Russian to English posted by Ron Craster):
As we work diligently on new video for my femmka - the 'glam rock queen' - 'divine lush creature' who is Fairy Mercury. I continue to be so very proud of her in many ways. Her achievements, fame and our love for one another.
We have become fans of photographers ourselves. Waiting for their 'take' on the two photos we had taken for one another. Goldman has become my personal Lord Snowdon. Apparently other photographer who has been with my femmka from the start of her pursuit of fame as 'this day and age 1970s decade Freddie Mercury', is her famed rock photographer Mick Rock. The photo of my femmka is so very erotic. I have become obsessed with it and I personally would like to hear 'behind the scenes' of her having it taken just for me.
Geoff Stafford avid FAIRY and Pavlova fan and fan club president - I know I was told not to post on the 'main pages' of Fairy's public website - only to my fanzine but I just had to!! I mean, I worship Fairy!! I can't wait to see the video that gif she made goes with! Like, she's looking down at her tits in her fairy winged replicated frock she wore to marry her prince in. He is so dreamy and princely being made to be moving in slow motion in that footage!!
I am seriously in hyperventilating frenzy over it to the point that my partner Clive had to grab hold of me and shake me back to my senses!!! I am so obsessed with the FAIRY... tale couple #princelyqueenly #obsessedfanatic
Every Picture Tells A Story cont'd

After Pavlova posted the photo of himself that he had my assistant photographer Philip Goldman take to be presented just for Fairy, she approached me telling me that she would like an ‘erotically posed’ photo of herself taken for her to gift to Pavlova in return. As has been mentioned numerous times, Fairy is almost always ‘half naked tart’. With ‘erotically posed’ as she put it to me, naturally, I expected her to show up half naked. She came looking her usual identical to inside and outside of Queen II album (‘black queen’ version. The inside of the album depicts ‘white queen’ – the album really is so very unique. Photos taken by my idol Mick Rock) Queen II album that she has been so many times compared to looking identical to her idol Freddie Mercury from off that particular album. Black eye shadow adorning eyelids of her eye lined exotic liquid brown eyes and dressed in all sleek black satin trousers and low cut shirt. Below is another (in colour) shot from the photo session.

As you can see in this shot, the top is only ‘held together’ as my partner, Killer Queen’s costume designer describes it ‘wrap top that ties at the mid section’. Phil and I convert many photos to black and white because Pavlova and Fairy are fond of the ‘vintage black and white’. I personally like the stark contrast.
I told Fairy that since she was in black that she could have her black nails left hand displayed or they would blend into the black top making her look as though she didn’t have fingertips. She was a bit disappointed at that. Her costume designer strategically positioned the satin wrap top in an erotic teasing way to create the ‘erotic nip slip’ look. Satiny seductress.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

Unlike the ‘divine lush creature’ who is Fairy Mercury and her lust for satin and silk, Pavlova (like his legendary idol Rudolf Nureyev) has a lust for leather. Differentiating the effeminate of Fairy and the masculine lordliness of Pavlova. ‘Satin queen and the lord of leather’ as they’re often referred to as by their ‘loyal subjects’ (fans). I was backstage
and Pavlova had come offstage after dancing his ballet part during the operatic section of Fairy’s performance of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. His valet helped him out of his princely tunic and handed him a towel. As he started to wrap
it around his sweat drenched light brown medium bob, he breathlessly muttered, ‘take photo and I give photo to
my femmka. First dance of tour.’ It was taken in Dresden, the first stop of glam rock queen Fairy Mercury’s 6 dates European tour. Candid shot below is him after having ‘recovered’ and cleaned up with towel now draped over shoulder.

All week we're in Brighton with Fairy and Pavlova as the glam rock queen rehearses for her sold out shows for this weekend. Pavlova doesn't do cabaret. There is no VIP, so he will watch his 'femmka' from the wings. At the end of each show, he will go out onto the stage making a brief appearance to 'collect' Fairy and escort her off the stage.
Greg and I decided to add as a bonus for you fans a few more photos we selected taken during the European tour.
Philip Goldman assistant photographer | viVid Photo Studio

I don't know how this managed to end up deleted off here, darlings, so I am putting it back on. I never got to tell what became of it ...
(Below italicized saved and transferred from deleted post)
I might keep and transfer it to the recent page we were doing (Command Performance). Him having to make a point to his valet that I chose to sleep naked and he was off to bed to join me. As long time fans of mine know, being such a tart ... I guess I found it necessary to share with you that I either sleep in one of my silk Japanese kimonos, or my satin knickers or nude ... He came to bed ... I was laying on my side still very upset. I decided to pretend to be asleep bit I love to do ... I mean, it's funny, dears! The things you'll hear people say or do ... when they think you're asleep. He pressed his enormous fucking cock against my bare ass and I felt him petting my long midnight black hair breathing into the back of my head, 'are you awake, baby?' How the hell do you even pretend to be asleep .........
I just got out of bed and took off into the bathroom!! I mean, I just seriously can't!!!
Love and kisses to you all, darlings. Fairy xx
First off, I have played 7 dates on my spring/summer tour so far. Amazingly all 7 have sold out. I love you all, my precious fans!! I can not express that enough! Your devotion, support and fandom is astounding!! Since things became ruined (really needs to quit being an annoying habit ...) Even my fan club president/editor of my online fanzine (Geoff Stafford) has been so upset that he's abandoned the online fanzine all because of the snooping creeps. But we're completely done with all that and for good now. It's tedious and the change comes with us.
I might release a different version of my new video just for my sadly neglected public site. So, dears, look forward to that very soon. Perhaps on the eve of my Bristol shows. Wouldn't that be just grand?

So anyways, what became of it ... I fled into the bathroom being such a ... shy ... melodramatic 'queen' over ... it ... Pouting, I waited for the salacious (mmm how I do love the meaning of that word - the new word I have chosen to describe the delectable Pavlova. While I'm on that, my darlings, many of you sadly noticed we quit going on about the maddeningly unreal likeness the two of us have to our idols. This is one. Me calling Pavlova 'delectable' and I was told by the one we refer to as 'Mr. X' - the man who knew Freddie and Nureyev in the 1970s - that Nureyev referred to himself as delectable. How what are the odds crazy is that?!) Well, anyways, pouting, I waited for the salacious princely Pavlova to come to the bathroom door to retrieve his 'queen'. When he didn't, I became a bit upset!
So I slinked off out of the bathroom back to bed (now dressed in one of my silk kimonos... Me, pictured left, on stage in kimono).

He was laying there his back facing the side of the bed I was laying on. So I laid down cuddling against him back
and nuzzled my face into the back of his light brown medium bob quietly ... purring ...'are you upset, Rudy darling?'
I heard him sigh, then his broken English Russian accent replied, 'upset. Why upset? Why you think I'm upset?'
I ... purred ... 'that I got up, well, you know' I mean, I was just too embarrassed to come out and say it!! It was soooooooo embarrassing what he replied to me! He laughed then said, 'What? That I wanted my cock inside you and (smirk) I find it funny, femmka, how you react to (pause) I was told 'baby' was Nureyev's choice - how you say?'
I (forcing myself not to get up again ...) purred, 'pet name or term of endearment is what people call it' He replied, 'ah, yes! Terms of endearment. Your idol Freddie Mercury, as you know, was fond of dear and darling. Let's not discuss this.' heavy sigh, then I heard him mutter something under his breath in Russian. I tugged a strand of his light brown medium bob bitchily purring, 'tell me in English, Rudy darling, what you just said under your breath!'
Again, I forced myself not to get up ... he replied, 'I understand it makes you shy.' Then he rolled over facing me. Talking of ... shy ... remember, my darlings, how my costume designer/best friend noted that only a very few things makes Pavlova shy and one being when I wear gloss on my lips .... A strand of my long midnight black hair was erotically ... clinging to my glossed lips. He glanced at them then (sooooo embarrassing!) rolled over back facing me again! So this tart wasn't going to let him ... I cuddled to the back of him again and in the most erotic tone, I seductively purred, 'I know they arouse you, Rudy darling, and don't you want your enormous fucking cock in them right now sucking it?' I hear him clear his throat. He then got out of bed and went out onto the balcony. I quietly laughed remembering the ongoing bit I do with is valet. Asking, 'I'm not suppose to go after him, right?' and his valet will reply with a grin, 'correct'
Pavlova (Haze Theatre, ballet danseur) - I am going to attempt to try to reply to this ... (at urging of Sir Thomas...) imagine having ... lip gloss with erotic name 'I'll Be Ready' and she also has one with, of all things, name 'Fairy' ....
As my fine friend 'Mr. X' (we all know about him by now, I'm sure we don't have to keep mentioning in boastful fashion that he knew Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev in the 1970s) mentioned on Loyal Subjects fanzine (vol. 3),
I make screenshot of it from page:
Well, unruly creature purred for me to get bag. When I picked the unzipped thing up, many items fell from it.
So I took the ... pleasure ... to examine several. Two being these 'lip gloss' she so erotically drenches her sensuous full lips with ... So there are details of your lovely exotic 'glam rock queen' star, fans. Mr. X had once showed
Fairy article he has in scrapbook where disgusting breed 'reporter' asked Freddie Mercury what brand of makeup
s/he wore. Maybelline was reply and for the black nail varnish (trademark left hand nails only) was Biba and Miners. Another thing 'Mr. X' shared was that Freddie Mercury was known for dressing 'matchingly' to any man s/he was sexually involved in. It was why s/he took up the effeminate take on ballet leotards look because Freddie Mercury was very in love with Nureyev (life long crush).
Freddie's idol Liza Minnelli was dating that prick Baryshnikov (fool Nureyev wannabe. I still laugh over Fairy reading that fool admitting he was a copycat 'groupie' of Nureyev) which really 'sparked things' (as it was phrased) with Freddie having a 'crush' on legendary ballet danseur Nureyev. 'Pursuing the very gay Nureyev in attempt of being even more like his/her idol Liza dating a ballet danseur.' As I was told, Nureyev was very close friends with Liza who had a fondness for gay men. Fairy had asked 'Mr. X' if her beloved idol Freddie Mercury was aware of that and 'Mr. X' told her that Freddie was .... What I have posted here and what Fairy had posted above what I write will be
be transferred to new page, starting it out and we go from there.