Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.
"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans

Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited
Johann Wagner, costumer designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury: I would like to start this off by talking on one of the 'accessories' I had replicated for Fairy which was a part of his idol (1970s decade) Freddie Mercury's stage look early on. Queen's first major tour in '74. The chain mail gauntlet worn on right hand. The costumes I found the most challenging to replicate for the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury was the pleated winged frock and the silver sequin leotard.
You will see the chain mail gauntlet and winged frock in the footage that we included in the below video. The exotic prancer wears these items so stunningly in his eerie canny resemblance to his beloved idol. Greg Hastings (Fairy's personal photographer) and Russian ballet danseur Pavlova helped put together for Fairy the video. Full live performance pulled from soundboard of 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy' and ending with a teaser snippet of
'The March Of The Black Queen'.
Full live (pulled from soundboard): 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy'
and a snippet of (also pulled from soundboard) 'The March Of The Black Queen' #FlightoftheFairy
About the song 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy' - this is what the glam rock queen Fairy Mercury had to say: 'there are claims my idol wrote the song after the creep boyfriend he had at the start of Queen teased him about his fondness of writing letters. My beloved idol wrote the song the same year the movie Valentino came out starring his 'crush' Rudolf Nureyev as Valentino. I believe the song was written about Nureyev. Dancing as the prince in ballet then learning he was to play the part of the silent screen actor Valentino. The song is done in my idol's trademark - a ragtime cabaretish vaudeville tempo.'
My satin knickers in 'Mercury filter' says goodnight to you, my darlings. I hope you enjoy the video. I will read through your comments you leave tomorrow. I had a long exhausting day so I am going off to bed 2 hours before my Zzz time (current time: 2am). I will be on tomorrow with Rudy Pavlova.Before I do, I read a little more of that book. It really is unreal! Remind you, MANY of the things that have been posted on my public site was posted BEFORE I got that book. We are not pretending myself and Pavlova are incarnates of Freddie and Nureyev. Just as much as the articles/sections from books on my idol that are on here as proof how incarnate I am of my idol.
The following are from that book. Btw, the book is different. It mainly consists of faxes Nureyev sent the man who wrote the book. Again, the man was very close friends with him and asked the man to write a book and document the things he faxed him after his death about him and his 'last love' (Freddie).
-- He (Freddie) drops everything and runs to him (Nureyev). He (Nureyev) holds his (Freddie) hair and covers his (Freddie) tummy with craving kisses. 'How I love you, you unforgettable Russian devil' His (Freddie) lips smell of coconut oil and honey.
-- Freddie as we knew him - a fairy tale from antique Persia
-- I (Nureyev) am dying to hug him, to kiss all around his fingers, hair and eyelashes. Lust, sexual hunger and craving for his body. .... I (Freddie) faint in fear at the sight of your masculine legs when you (Nureyev) squeeze my body and force me to sit between them. ..... Nureyev was fond of 'slender legs' (Freddie) and slapping his ass.
Is there any documented proof of reincarnation somewhere in the annals of time/history? Because it really is scary, my dears, how I honestly believe my idol was reincarnated in me and Nureyev in Pavlova. Its surreal! I'm sorry about this, dears, I just now got a call telling me I left out one. How could I have left this one out!! Again, we ARE NOT faking to be so identical to them!!
What I forgot to add: -- (Freddie) licks the sole of my (Nureyev) feet. 'You have the most unbelievable beautiful eyes. I love you so much' (Nureyev) whispers between kisses in Russian then translates in English. Freddie doesn't understand Russian.
WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF IT, MY PRECIOUS FANS?! It's bizarre beyond words and it was why I was literally crying and trembling and couldn't continue reading it!
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio - Fairy, it almost reminds you of reading a history book or bio on some deceased person and it being crazy how the person's life, personality, etc. literally mirrors you. Parallel planes/universe type bizarreness. What reincarnation is all about. Someone dying and being reborn into someone else. And we thought it was bizarre and mind blowing enough the book section scans/articles we've posted about your idol that you are so identical to. Just keeps adding on how incarnate you are of your idol.

Hello dears. I am overwhelmed by the comments so many of you have been leaving all day long about the new video along with the things I posted from that book. As I posted about on the fan club, I seriously can not wait until the 19th for two reasons. It is the first night of my spring/summer tour and secondly, it is when I become engaged to the man who I am so deeply in love with! I am just dying to see the engagement ring he will be gifting me. I doubt it will be snowing, but if it's raining - NOTHING is going to stop our plans about him gifting me the ring at the Peter Pan statue before my show that evening. It will be a night to remember, my darlings! The above photo being one that my personal photographer promised he would 'salvage' for me. You should have hear what the delectably handsome 'Russian prince' said to me about it!! 'That necklace really draws attention to your tits, femmka.' I pretended like I didn't hear what he said and ask him what. He blushed and muttered something in Russian. I felt embarrassed so I just said, 'let's finish working on the video.'
That distracting enormous fucking cock he has ... So anyways, dears, all of you are anxious over tickets go on sale Monday. We're predicting an instant sell out for both the 19th and 20th shows because so many of you are so excited to see me perform at Haze Theatre. If I remember right, Pavlova said the capacity is 10,000. Should I elaborate on making of the video?? ... It was rather naughty ...

Pavlova, Haze Theatre & pro ballet danseur - She was so incessant to go back for wanting to create a video for 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy'. Then she wanted to film me dancing ballet exclusively for her. So I had the smaller stage closed off and it was just the two of us. Again, the exotic creature's so adoring of her fans, she really is - how shall I say? Fascinating? The full undivided attention and those lovely dark exotic liquid brown eye lined eyes watching with such lust and adoration of the male body. So I danced for her. I did two takes. I knew how it was going to result. Her wanting my sweaty body - sex. So go on, kitten, I won't stop your overly sexual prowess of entertaining your fans. As for the unruly 'glam rock queen's' first two shows, I know they will sell out. The VIP already has been taken up by, I will just refer to them as 'associates'. We might have the personal photographer film the Peter Pan/Hyde Park bit. I told her we should make a grand show of it - theatrical. By running from there to Haze Theatre - most likely chased by fans haunting the area to witness it.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Mmm... I thought you were asleep, dear. How was the production? You must have been so very bored mingling with your 'high society' who attended and trying to get away from them. I missed you madly!!!
I love the idea of having my photographer film it. He said he would but he won't run after us. HA! Oh yes, my darlings, about the delectably handsome 'Russian prince' dancing exclusively for me ... how you worded all that, Pavlova .... I mean, he was so fucking ... arousing ... being out of breath, embracing me - kissing my glossed lips with this hot sizzling kiss and that muscular body so fucking sweaty holding me to it - heaving. I told him in the most erotic purr I could summon up, 'now is your chance to prove how much stamina you have.
' Oh my god, my darlings! The second time around experiencing that enormous fucking cock of his ......
Pavlova, Haze Theatre & pro ballet danseur - Oh no, I stayed up this time waiting for you to come on here. Curious as to what you would share with your fans, femmka. Yes, I was very bored. They're gossips. You should be pleased to know I had several ask about you. That was rather funny. 'Your fiancée (note I am using the feminine...) isn't accompanying you this evening, Pavlova?' I had my personal assistant create a diversion so I could slip off.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ That's funny, dear! You should tell them that they should come see my show and be entertained with loud rock music and me slinking about the stage like a tarted up feline. I could almost picture them rolling their eyes because it's so 'prima'. High strung snobs. Where does the time go?! It's already 6:30am!!!!
Let's finish this tomorrow, dear. Sweet dreams, my precious fans. I love you all! xx Fairy
My 'Russian prince' and me (the effeminate queen)

Russian ballet danseur Rudolf Nureyev on his relationship with effeminate queen of rock Freddie Mercury:
'We were together inseparable ... Freddie and I lived in perfect harmony. We were suiting each other in everything.Take me into your bed, Freddie, I will teach you what you have not yet seen. Woman in a man's body.
I see you are biting your nails and your fingers are trembling. I am crazily in love with you, Freddie.' 💗
The princely words of a legend who danced as princes in ballet on the love of his life - the legendary effeminate queen of rock#soinlove #fairytalecouple

💗 'The Fairy...tale Couple' 💗
My darlings, it is 2am as I write this here in ... Cambridge. HA! You thought I'd write London didn't you?! Mmmm, I am at my delectably handsome 'Russian prince's' home. I just had to share this with you for my Zzz time post. I threw in the top 2 photos. Anyways, we ate then he had his personal assistant build a fire in the fire place. It was so enchanting. He had his cherry brandy as I sipped champagne. I tackled him on this sectional sofa in the room and sat on his chest ... He was sooooo fucking sexy!!! This sly grin the Russian accent saying, 'oh you're going to do it aren't you - you sinfully forbidden creature.' I did what he posted about the other day - wanting me to kiss and bite his tongue. It was so fucking erotic, dears!!! I'll tell more about it tomorrow.
Before I go, this is too funny. My costume designer and personal photographer decided to be copycats and follow in pursuit about getting married after being together for 3 years now. Awww.
Love and kisses to you all, darlings. xx Fairy
Johann Wagner, costumer designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury: Fairy, I take it he's asleep and you're sneaking posting what you did. Are you reading the comments your adoring fans are leaving about it? Like always, too funny. One saying, 'since her prince is such a mystery man, she should go snooping about and maybe be campy queen nicking another photo or is that photo she posted alongside the lovely exotic Persian queen satiny seductor concert shot of her the most recent she's nicked of her handsome Russian ballet danseur.' Btw fans, Fairy nicks the shirtless ones to have when 'she' misses him and is desiring him sexually ...
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio - These two photos of Fairy (below) with long midnight black hair and eye lined eyes and glossed lips .... If any of you don't have the photo book, 'Mirror Image - Fairy Mercury; Becoming 1970s Freddie Mercury' we've marked it down 25% special pre-tour fan club members only offer starting today. The 'coffee table' size book with over 100 photos of the exotic glam rock queen Fairy Mercury on and off stage taken by me. That is funny, Johann what that fan posted. (side note to Jorge - why are the photo files taking forever to load?! It's annoying and I see we're back at 'server lost connection')

My precious fans, hoping I don't annoyingly 'server lost connection'. It took my photographer, no lie, nearly an hour to post what he did last night along with the photos of me he included. The photo files appear very slowly and most of them show up as a blank pink square. I seriously just can't, my dears!!! Johann was literally crying from laughing so hard. I wish I thought to get my phone and secretly record it! Apparently my mysterious delectably handsome prince who this queen will soon be engaged to be married to .... well, I'm finding out things about him! This might be a bit long. Last night .... he did it again and I find it embarrassing! Taking my black nails left hand and kissing the back of it so fucking princely. Then he kissed my tits ... I mean it's one of those things that you just want to happen but not talk about it. This happened when we went off after eating to have drinks in that room. He was so fucking ... aroused ... by the tongue thing. He 'took' me and I seriously could barely handle it. His cock is THAT fucking enormous.
Anyways, this morning. I woke on the sectional, where we ended up falling asleep, to loud voices. This man and woman. Probably mid 70s-ish. Snobbish tones. The woman saying, 'you get on that tart's website dancing ballet to that rock music she performs. What would Anna think?!' I have to stop here to explain who 'Anna' is, darlings. Anyone familiar with ballet would be familiar with Anna Pavlova who was a very famous ballerina of Russia. He is a descendant (the lineage he talks of...). Snobbish tone, I hear him reply, 'Oh rrrreallly?!' something in Russian then, 'I happen to be very (heavy emphasis) in love with her as my idol Nureyev was with his rock queen Freddie Mercury.' The man's voice quietly muttering, 'come now, Martha, don't be so harsh on the lad' Then I heard him laugh and say, 'Dame Eleanor didn't have any issues. As a matter of fact, she was - how you say? - fixated on us becoming lovers - a couple. As with my idol Nureyev and his rock queen Freddie Mer-' his words are rudely cut off as the woman (tone extremely snobbish now) 'will you quit saying that, Pavlova?! That - that - decadent creature - how it wears itself. Those sinfully revealing clothes and - ' Silenced by the man who quietly mutters, 'Now, now, Martha, don't be rude. Can't you see he is destined to be the lord of dance Nureyev and (pauses) she - as he prefers - is his Freddie Mercury.' Again, I can hear him laugh and say, 'I think I've had enough of this conversation, I would like to ask for you to leave. There is no law saying Haze Theatre can't have a rock star grace it's stages. As for my personal life, that is no one's business.'
I will try to be on around my Zzz time, dears. To Johann - I wonder what is going to become of this being read by ... him .... To my precious fans in Ipswich - Keith, Leigh and Chris - welcome back, darlings. Thank you for your fandom. Me and my prince 'matching' ..... XX Fairy

💗 The fashionable Fairy...tale couple 💗

Hello dears, it is almost my Zzz time so I thought I would quickly pop in and post something to my public site this time around. Hopefully my PR man / web designer got the issue sorted. Remember when I shared with you about the custom cock ring? He has a sauna in his Cambridge home. Let me back up, my darlings. After what I wrote about on here happened, he came into the room and saw I was awake and asked me if I would like to join him in the sauna. When we were in the sauna, I asked him who were those people. He laughed and told me, 'So you heard all that, femmka.The old bird was Dame Eleanor's close friend. I'm sure you could tell by the gossipy demeanor. That was her husband with her.' I am so fucking in love with him, my dears!!! He fell silent and sat there gazing at me, then reached over moving a strand of my hair from off my cheek quietly saying something in Russian. I started to say, now you know, dear, I don't under- (as far as I got) when he pressed his finger onto my lips saying in English, 'even sweat becomes you, kitten. Erotic.' I purred, 'Mmm your masculine body being sweaty after you've danced ballet is so arousing. I loved what that man said about you being destined to be Nureyev and I am your Freddie Mercury.'
I took the cock ring off him and slipped it on my wrist for a bracelet. HA! He laughed telling me, 'I thought it funny and can't get it out my head now, femmka. That old bird saying how I dance ballet to that rock music she performs. Oh, I'm such a disgrace. I've fallen from grace and you have corrupted me, my sinfully forbidden creature.' I'll be on hopefully tomorrow, my precious fans. We're going to work on another video to present to you. I am so anxious to start rehearsals for my spring/summer tour on Monday and the following weekend it kicks off and I'll be officially engaged to be married!! Love and kisses to you all, darlings. Fairy
From Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: Below is me not being able to resist getting in on your adoring fans bullying and mockery they've been doing in the fan club comments section, kitten. What they're calling 'provoking a response that will never be seen'

Tits taking a champagne shower
(I still lust the longer hair, femmka. The blue eye shadow on your exotic liquid brown eyes with the eyeliner was exceptionally ... arousing)

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ My handsome prince, in reply to what you posted. I used to call it 'the Liza look'. It's alright. I prefer my hair long because the look of my idol I favor (and look the most identical to) and all my fans do as well is the Hyde Park and Queen II look. My idol on the videos for Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen, etc. The '74 Rainbow and '75 Odeon concerts then '76 Hyde Park.
From Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: Let's delete all this and drop it. I've taken it upon myself to delete it. Your fans don't want to hear about it. They're fans of you and your likeness to your idol, not drama. I trust you still have my ... cock ring, femmka. It was lovely how you so delicately tugged then slipped it off.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Rudy darling, now don't laugh (although you're so fucking delectable when you do) over 'dancing ballet to that rock music she performs' - it really was funny! Which Queen song should I perform/make a music video of next? I just fucking love 'sinfully revealing clothes' remark. I wanted to laugh. Mmmm, I bet how I dress being called that by that snobbish old bird really ... aroused ... you didn't it, dear?
From Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: It did. Such as the lovely 'obscenely tight' satin cat suits that fall so very erotically just below the navel and I am still fascinated by the effeminate 'take' on the ballet leotard. The black one with the 'diamond crotch' is so panache, kitten. You do know that Anna Pavlova danced with Ninjinsky, didn't you?
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Yes I knew that. Mmmm, I fucking love it!! You calling it 'panache' because that's what my idol would say. He would wear things like the male leotard with a touch of panache because he was so effeminate. That's me, dear. Like my 'little leather jacket' paired with obscenely tight satin trousers. Now that's panache for you, darling! Then you in your leather .... So what did you really think of what I told you I recently read in that book about your idol Nureyev saying about my idol Freddie Mercury: 'It's a long awaited kiss that made me more and more ecstatic. I sense lipstick from the fleeting kiss.'
From Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: How rude of me, forgive me, kitten. I forgot to answer your question about which song. Yes, I did laugh over what you wrote and thought - god forbid I dance anymore ballet to 'that rock music she performs'. Let me think of it although shouldn't you be asking your fans that? I still find that book unreal how could it be possible the things written in it on them coincides so much with us idolizing and wanting to be them. It's passe to say, but I feel like we are living in dream, femmka. I deleted it on accident when I deleted the things I had. God forbid! Me dancing ballet to 'that rock music she performs'. It's such a disgrace and I have fallen from grace and the unruly forbidden exotic creature is going to corrupt me. No, I will not and refuse to tame you, my so enticing prima 'glam rock queen'. Once again, 'prima' defined: an undiscipline, uncooperative (unruly) person.

Hello dears. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend full of laughter and much naughtiness. This is too funny. That old couple visited Pavlova again. I will let him tell it because it was funny how he told it to me. Above - me and him laughing and laughing. That old bird is so bothered by me, my darlings. We are still experiencing the annoying server lost connection issue so if this abruptly ends, know why.
(screams melodramatically and pulls midnight black hair out) xx Fairy
From Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: Thomas and Martha Henderson (not real sir name for privacy purposes) came for tea. I had forgotten I had invited them a week ago. My cook tells me, 'Mr. and Mrs. Henderson are here for tea.' I burst out laughing and my cook looks at me wondering what is so amusing. Very well, show them to the tea room I tell him. I quickly phoned your exotic star - the lovely unruly glam rock queen Fairy Mercury to let her know - knowing she would have a laugh. So we sit for tea. The old bird starts right in, 'this lady boy - ' I interrupt saying, 'femmka' Flustered the old bird says to Sir Thomas, 'Thomas, can't you reason with him about the company he keeps?! Nureyev kept his relationship a hidden secret with that rock star she is identical to for a reason!' Sir Thomas' reply (nonchalant ... like me ...), 'Martha, we've gone over this. He is destined to be the lord of dance Nureyev and that includes the relationship with Freddie Mercury. They are very in love and you must accept this.'
I clear my throat wanting to remind them I am still there. Rudely discussing me as if I am not present. This is what
I said (tauntingly), 'perhaps you would like to meet her, Martha.' 'Oh heavens no!!!!' was my flustered reply.
At that moment my cook enters sorry he's interrupted and telling me I have an important phone call from, 'your star' as he puts it. Oh yes, my star and my alluring sinfully forbidden fiancée ... I excuse myself and take the call. It is her - the exotic prancer carrying on over something she had read in 'the book'. I am left speechless as to what it is. Yes, femmka, we are 'incarnates' and destined .... The lovely sibilant purr - purring in my ear over the phone reading, 'Your idol saying this, 'who kissed me? Why is my heart still beating? Was it he - my Madam Giselle?' about MY idol Freddie!!' the sibilant purr then teasingly jokes, 'Are you sure Nureyev's favorite drink was cherry brandy? That book - let me read it, 'he drank lots of vodka. Nureyev believed that it strengthened his athletic build.' My reply to her, 'Vodka naturally, kitten, because it's Russian. I know for a fact cherry brandy.' She then laughingly purrs, 'How is tea going, dear?' I reply, 'the moment they leave, I will phone back and tell you.'

And, femmka, I forgot to say this to you when you phoned. In afterthought, Nureyev spoke regally (princes he danced as in ballet ...) How I lust a taste of your sensuously full glossed lips as in the photo of you above ...
I resume tea with the Hendersons. I must explain this. In opera houses, theatres, etc. there are people who actually own box sections and certain VIP seats. I tell them, 'if you are bothered by the idea of a rock star gracing the stage at Haze Theatre, you don't have to accept the invite and I will gladly give up your seats. You are not obligated.' Apparently, they decided tea was over and wanted to leave. In the foyer, I said this, 'Ninjinsky over stepped himself by masturbating on stage during the ballet of L'Apres-midi d'un faune and the Royal Ballet had a fit. Have your fits. There are things that get swept under the rug in our high society. Things not acceptable. Believe me, Nureyev had his - as you will, hidden pleasures.' With that, I did a pirouette and exited the foyer to phone Fairy. Yes, kitten, I have the feeling the old bird is going to be 'the next Dame Eleanor' (no wonder they were such close friends...).
You find it so amusing.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ How you wrote it up is hilarious, dear!!! You do have the humour of Nureyev. I was laughing so hard I had to re-do my eye liner ... I miss you (pouts). It is after 7pm. I am having supper with my costume designer and photographer. Will you come spend the remainder of the evening with me, Rudy dear? Sit alongside me at my piano and this queen will serenade ... her .... prince the ever so romantic ballad my beloved idol wrote 'You Take My Breath Away'. I favour it. The lyrics are my true emotions from beginning to end. It would be thee perfect song to dance ballet to, Pavlova. I remember you posting about it on my public site that one particular day I was at Haze Theatre. Do you remember, my dear? The opening line - 'look into my eyes and you'll see I'm the only one'. It was the day you kissed me for the very first time and I nearly fainted. I am so fucking in love with you, Pavlova!! I've made screencaps of it for you - from the Exotic Prancer page:

From Pavlova, Haze Theatre/pro ballet danseur: What an utterly ridiculous question for you to ask, silly girl. Of course, I remember it. I cherish it! The old fashioned 'stealing a kiss' is what I did. Yes, I will come spend the remainder of the evening with you. Am I to spend the night, kitten? Oh my heart soars over the offer of you wanting to perform intimately just for me that song, my exotic Persian queen. Only under one condition. The brandy and champagne flows freely - we get so very wickedly intoxicated and you wear one (black or white I have no preference) of those alluringly erotic 'obscenely tight' satin cat suits and the layered necklace which I find so .... arousing ...
(oh that word AGAIN, Jorge ...) and provocative how it draws such tempting attention to your tits
(I'd like to cum on them, femmka...).

~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ I fucking LOVE your reply!!! Why strikeout what you did, dear?... Mmm, I'll wear the 'black queen' one. Can Johann stay so he can do a 'write up' about it for my precious darlings, dear? I love the gifs you made. Us - the perfect fairy ... tale couple and my sweaty gorgeous prince at the barre. I'm learning ballet talk, my darlings!! Isn't that just grand?! When your tit plays peek-a-boo and your midriff says goodnight - your 'satin queen' in satin knickers. I love you all, my precious fans! I've been reading your comments you've been leaving over what's been posted today. I am forever grateful to your fandom. xx Fairy

Following composed by Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury
The exotic Persian glam rock queen’s invite to perform intimately for the dapper ‘Russian prince’ gave ‘her’ time to glam up for him while he made the trip from Cambridge (north of London)to ‘her’ London home. Glistening lip gloss smothering the exotic prancer’s full lips, long midnight black hair straightened with tongs, eyeliner touched up on ‘her’ exotic dark liquid brown eyes. Her body slips into the black satin catsuit that erotically falls just below the naval. The sibilant purr gaspily purring in lust, ‘I fucking love him, Johann!To have his enormous fucking cock thrust deep inside me is indescribable! How he talks about me – about us. My precious fans are so taken by our relationship! I love it when they call us the fairy tale couple.’ the dark eye lined eyes eyeing the black varnished nails on left hand only, to see if they need touching up.Then … fondles … the custom cock ring ‘she’ is wearing as a bracelet as if imagining it is the well endowed Russian ballet danseur’s cock. As the famous rock superstar Fairy Mercury’s best friend and costume designer, ‘she’ has shared extreme intimate details with me the intimate sexual encounters ‘she’ has had with the love of ‘her’ life.
They have only had sex 2 times now. Tonight will most likely be the 3rd and when do you stop counting, Fairy? LOL! Monday the divine lush creature starts rehearsals for her 2 sold out shows at Haze Theatre. Highly anticipated for several reasons. It kicks off Fairy’s spring/summer ‘Flight Of The Fairy … Revisited’ tour, it will open with the glam rock queen performing for the first time ever at Haze Theatre owned by the ‘Russian prince’ who legally becomes Rudolf Pavlova come Wednesday. Not to mention, the Hyde Park plan.Meeting at the Peter Pan statue where Pavlova will gift Fairy with the engagement ring making them officially engaged – moments before Killer Queen is due on stage.
Up next, the arrival of the effeminate queen’s prince and what transpired up until I was asked to leave …

The glittering effeminate queen in 'wrap top' and snake arm bracelet. 'Her' handsome 'Russian prince' arrives in style. In all seriousness - the stage Fairy Mercury incarnate of his idol 1970s decade Freddie Mercury will soon be set to perform before a sold out crowd of her adoring fans. Russian ballet danseur/Nureyev lookalike demonstrating ballet on the stage.
When Pavlova arrives, Ron Craster his personal assistant carries in an enormously breathtaking bouquet of roses. Too obvious the 'Russian prince' overlooked his exotic Persian queen asking if I would stay to do a 'write up' about the 'intimate performance' because he glances at me and remarks, 'Oh, I see one of you courtiers are here.' Then takes Fairy's left hand with black nails and delivers his princely kiss on the back of it, glances at the layered necklace cascading down the bare chest and says, 'there you are and there (slight pause) they ... are. You smell exotic.' glancing shyly at the heavily glossed lips. I can see Killer Queen glance at me with an embarrassed look and almost know why - 'she' half expected him to kiss 'her' tits as well. I want to tell Fairy it is too obvious why he's refrained from doing so - he felt embarrassed over what he did the strike through and Fairy asking him why he striked it out and most likely saw Fairy's adoring fans carrying on in the comments section over it. Pavlova says to me in Russian, 'were you just leaving, Johann?' I notice the look on the exotic prancer's face and say, 'he's asked me if I was just now leaving.'

With a toss of the midnight black hair, Fairy purrs, 'darling, I asked you on my website if Johann could stay to do a write up.' entwining his arm in Pavlova's. Ron Craster clears his throat and asks, 'Would you like for me to bring in your overnight bag?' With a nod, Pavlova then makes a gesture for Fairy to lead the way. I try not to laugh as Killer Queen glides off with 'her' prince to the room the grand piano is, sibilant purr purring, 'it's not like he's going to stay if we get really intimate, dear, and be posting (pauses with suppressed laughter look) sordid details of our sex life.' then wildly laughs, 'that old couple are wildly hilarious are they not, Rudy?' (being done deliberately) I can see the embarrassed look and blush on Pavlova's face over the exotic prancer calling him 'Rudy'.
To be continued - the performance, Fairy's tits 'steal the show' and the hilarious conversation the 'fairy... tale couple' have about 'the old couple' (I'm having issues with that annoying connection problem)
I am FINALLY being able to finish, Fairy's adoring fans. I'm sorry about the delay as if it's my fault. #ANNOYING! This is how Pavlova (below right) came dressed for your glam rock queen, btw (one of 'her' fave looks on him) Pavlova replies about the old couple, ‘He apparently takes no issue but the snobbish old bird – she will come around. When I returned from taking your phone call, I overheard her saying to him, ‘she is stunningly exotic I will say that much. Eleanor would tell me how unruly that creature is and very sexual. Sharing intimacies with fans.’ he laughs then says, ‘I will never tame you, my sinfully forbidden divine lush creature. I take such pleasure in how very wrong you are for me. Unruly and prima. Like a royal regal rebel.’ Fairy gazes at the ‘Russian prince’ as he pours a glass of cherry brandy for him and an elegant glass of Cristal champagne for his effeminate queen.The exotic prancer purrs, ‘we should arrange something where they come for a visit and I happen to be there and you’ll have no other choice but to introduce me to them. I laughed so hard when you told me and I asked you to write about it because I knew my precious fans would get a laugh over it. Especially ‘heavens no!’ when you asked that old bird if she’d like to meet me.’

This was funny! Pavlova telling Fairy, ‘there is a book I’d like for you to read. The Tea Rose.The book is so much like the ballet of Giselle. The main character is like the peasant girl Giselle and she catches the attention of a wealthy aristocrat who courts her. Much like Prince Albrecht. His people of wealthy snobs disapproves of him being in love with her.’ He then gestures to the piano Russian accent saying, ‘do delight me, femmka, with your stunning likeness to your lovely idol.’ Fairy perches at the grand piano who has Pavlova sit on a chair positioned so he can see ‘her’ from the front.
To you fans disappointment and believe me it was mine as well, I was told not to film it. It was only to be an intimate moment between the two of them and not to be shared. I do as I was instructed by the glam rock queen, watch ‘her’ prince’s reactions. He sits sipping his cherry brandy gazing at Fairy’s slender hands gliding elegantly over the keyboard and ‘she’ emulates ‘her’ idol’s vocals done in an erotic breathless manner on ‘You Take My Breath Away’ (since I have been … forbidden … to film it, I will add to my ‘write up’ Fairy performing the song live during ‘her’ Fight Of The Fairy show in Brighton bottom of my 'write up').
I want to remind fans, NOTHING on this site is Freddie Mercury, as hard as that is to believe. As stated in the footer/credits at the bottom. Fairy is THAT identical to his idol. I notice Pavlova’s expression turn to sheer lust and follow his gaze. (I had to ask Greg for a photo since I was … forbidden … to take photos as well) Fairy’s necklace moving positioned like in below photo:

The Russian ballet danseur with tousled look after ballet rehearsal.
Pavlova looks over at me and tells me in Russian, ‘I think it’s time you leave.’ Fairy quits playing/singing with a worried look purrs, ‘is something wrong? What did you say, dear? What did he say, Johann?!’ I go over to Fairy and say, ‘he wants me to leave’ then whisper to him, ‘he has a hard on – your necklace moved looped around one of your tits.’Killer Queen quietly laughs, ‘naughty boy!’ then gets up from the piano and hugs me wishing me goodnight and a safe trip home to my man. So whatever happened afterwards is only between ‘the fairy… tale couple’
'You Take My Breath Away' live - intimate and flawlessly elegant!
2nd night of sold out Flight Of The Fairy show in Brighton
Hello dears. It is 4:30pm here in London. I am just now finishing up my second day of rehearsals here at the magnificent Haze Theatre. So much has gone on yesterday and today. Perhaps I will not be so exhausted and come on around my Zzz time to post about it. We are STILL experiencing that annoying server lost connection issue. Luckily I have my fan club to keep all of you informed, my precious fans. The atmosphere here has been crazy upon my presence. I will quickly share this. Ron Craster who as I mentioned earlier on - he is stage director at Haze Theatre (also Pavlova's personal assistant). He took me aside yesterday telling me something rather embarrassing. Pavlova meet with everyone - the entire over 100 staff and told them, 'when my lady is present, I expect all of you to act accordingly. As all of you know, she will be rehearsing all week for her sold out shows this weekend.' Yesterday and today I came overly dressed on purpose .... I will talk about all that later. Tomorrow he legally becomes Rudolf Pavlova and that old couple are coming for tea. We will be doing the plan of me being at his Cambridge home. Oh what this campy queen doesn't get up to, my darlings! This page it becoming too long, so we will be starting what my photographer outlined at the bottom of the homepage. Reusing the 'disabled' page names for current up-to-date pages. Hmmm, which one should we use first?? --- Until later, xx Fairy
To the ever so elegant glam rock queen only known as Fairy Mercury from Ron Craster: I hope you will be prepared for tea time tomorrow. As you found out, the man is a millionaire. I won't mention some of the 'royalty' ... Me being cryptic. Are you familiar with Lord Snowdon? He's before the both of you's time. He did the photo of Nureyev that is on the cover of the Christies auction catalogue... You learned of Anna Pavlova .... I hope I don't end up with a lecture from him (because he'll read as with everything posted on your public and fan club sites) telling you what little I have. What he has planned tomorrow in the presence of 'the old couple' will be overwhelming. The only word I can think to call it at the moment. Dame Eleanor left many instructions, 'wishes to be full filled' in her will. As that man kept telling his wife, 'he is destined to be the lord of dance Nureyev and that includes being in a gay relationship with the love of Nureyev's life rockstar Freddie Mercury.' If you only knew the visits and calls he's had over you obtaining 'the book' ... and the things you've been sharing with your adoring fans from out of it. Engage in conversation with me about it, maybe, exotic prancer? Because I know your fans would be absolutely captivated. I have to not break confidence though... Things being said about your video and performance of 'All Dead, All Dead' and him dancing ballet to you performing as your idol.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Ron, I couldn't reply to you because of that damn server error. I was lucky to even get on just now to post this after trying and trying and trying. It better quit considering covering my tour! My precious fans, we are unable to post photos now. What next?! Oh the drama! Talking of pathetic drama - I forgot all about the creeps until now. I wonder if those copy/paste cryptic bullying asses are still provoking responses that aren't being seen. What a load of clowns. I want nothing to do with that shit show. So much happier. Those people are boring and so hurtfully negative the ways they treat me. Jealous attn. seeking cry babies as someone called the freaks. #I'llpass #sooverit #DullsvilleSnoozefest and all your other hashtags. I'm glad I have my interesting life, fame and my identical likeness to my idol. Enough said.
Let me post this really fast about me over dressing. Pavlova was told I had arrived for rehearsals and came to find me. I just can't, my darlings! As I said, something you want to happen but not talk about it... He does his princely kissing the back of my black nails left hand after saying, 'There you are, femmka' then glances at how I'm dress and says something in Russian. 'Darling, you know I don't speak Russian! What did you say?!' I ask him and someone near by translates, 'and there they aren't. I see you're playing your games, my forbidden creature.' I felt so embarrassed by it, I rudely took off on him!! Ron Craster bringing up 'the book'. I am still reading it. You won't believe the recent extremely sexual thing I read in it, my dears. I will post about it tomorrow along with - now I'm curious, having tea. Ron, I'll ask him tomorrow to tell me the things being said about my video/performance of 'All Dead, All Dead' and him dancing ballet on my, now two, videos. I know he said some 'high society people' plan to witness us in Hyde Park when he gifts me the engagement ring. 'Watching from a distance with their opera glasses.' is what he told me.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio - Fairy why the hell are you bringing up the proved themselves assholes? So not like you!! Don't trash up your site with it. Booed so fucking hard. I think it's just best the shit is dropped and moved on from for good. So damn irrelevant and unbeneficial to your fame. Like you've said, the shit ruins your creativity. Your fans are too obsessed and captivated by your upcoming shows at Haze Theatre, your tour and your relationship with Pavlova. All POSITIVE and FOCUSED things. I hope Jorge Schumann can sort out wtf about the server connection problem. It sucks we can't post photos now. You are right, it is all we need with your tour kicking off this Friday. I can hardly imagine what's going to become of tomorrow and you having tea especially after what Ron Craster posted to you. Johann Wagner, costume designer for the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury - I don't know why he's bringing the freaks up either. I agree with what you wrote, Greg. The shitholes need to be moved off from as far as possible because the attn. seeking freaks aren't relevant and so damn boring and ugly compared to our glam rock superstar and 'her' prince. Carry on like a bunch of disgusting gay men hating lesbos. Copy/paste selfish gain. The freaks better not be acting slow by STILL stalking in Fairy's business for copy/paste jealous cunt ideas.
Not fans - stalkers.
~~~ Fairy Mercury ~~~ Believe me, it wasn't like me. The nonexistent freaks just came to mind in a very fleeting moment and I quickly banished the thoughts. BORING!! I'm too happy to care about jealous cunty haters. Johann, he shared with me how he plans to dress when we marry. I'm being serious about dressing in a hijab. I wish we could post photos.
** Side Note: As long time fans know, Fairy's silly hijab plans changed when she married the multimillionaire Russian ballet danseur in stunning replicated '70s decade Freddie Mercury satin fairy winged frock.