Fairy Mercury is a famous Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) lookalike/incarnate.
"This day and age Freddie Mercury" claims his adoring fans
Mild Sensation
Mild Sensation (from song 'My Melancholy Blues'). This page, of course,
will have more of Fairy's Freddie Mercury lookalike-ness. Will also feature details of
the glam rock Killer Queen's spring / summer tour, including the contest winning title
and so much more!
Above video contains the glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury live concert footage with live recording from soundboard of her performing the Freddie Mercury written Queen song 'My Melancholy Blues'. Capturing to perfection Freddie's Liza-esque vocals that he so often did on the many vaudeville, ragtime, ballads s/he was well-known for writing. From the site's Videos page:
'My Melancholy Blues' live
The exotic prancer Fairy Mercury's comments on the video: My personal photographer Greg Hastings has completed the video of my performance of 'My Melancholy Blues'. I can hardly wait for you to see it, my darlings! It's loaded with live footage. So come out and see my Flight Of The Fairy show in November! Let me give you a little info. on the song. My beloved idol Freddie Mercury wrote the song as a reminiscent of his idol Liza Minnelli's 'Maybe This Time' off the film Cabaret.
Page the video appears on: A Rhapsodic Fairy ... Tale
Fairy in her 'miZ Mercury' look (Freddie/Liza) in candid with the lord of er ... leather ... I mean dance Rudolf Pavlova in candid shot outside the cabaret (in Brighton) where the divine lush creature Fairy Mercury got her start.
Is Fairy 'a mild sensation'? The 'incarnate' of Freddie Mercury? This page will further explore Fairy becoming a successful entertainer. Embarking on yet another UK/European tour and more!
Tour Achievements So Far:
Flight Of The Fairy
Flight Of The Fairy ... Revisited
Fairy Soars
Phoenix Reborn
??? Fan Contest Winning Title For Fairy's 2025 Tour
Will Be Announced As This Page Updates!
Following Transferred From Page Dearie Me
Coming Soon. Ron Craster's (valet to Pavlova, Haze Theatre stage director) candid 'write up' on the 'Fairy...tale couple'
Excerpt from the write-up: '... the man then said to Pavlova, 'the penis makes the man, don't you think? Especially the gay man. The more well-endowed the better' Both the lord of dance and glam rock queen's response to it was hilarious! **Note: In order to understand Mr. Ron Craster's write-up, please familiarize yourself with page Dearie Me
Ron Craster's 'write-up' as follows:
I’m sure I don’t need to tell about the man’s ‘importance’. Both Fairy and Pavlova have explained him.
I am not allowed to revel his identity. The Russian ballet lord Rudolf Pavlova, had invited the man to his Cambridge estate. During the visit, the man had gifted the glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury
the recording s/he has mentioned:
...about the one classy gentleman I spoke of, dears. I wish I could pack all of you in tight like Russian dolls.
(Matryoshka - Russian nesting dolls). The man gave me a recording of a Queen concert in Vienna from the Seventies where Freddie said to the fans, 'you're all pack in here like Russian dolls' He said that was Freddie
being obsessed with Rudolf Nureyev. I'll cherish the recording forever!
He shared with them very intimate sexual details about Nureyev and Freddie’s secretly well-kept intimate relationship. Again, I am not allowed to reveal what it was that the man shared with them.
Although I can say this, it pertained to some things already known (books, etc.) Freddie ‘behaving like a right tart’ (as Fairy puts it) going about gay clubs asking men ‘how big is your cock?’ and Nureyev being known as ‘the most famous cock in theatre’ due to the well-endowed size of his cock outlined in his ballet leotards.
Above photos: mirror images of ballet and rock legends Nureyev and Freddie Mercury. Promo ad for Fairy Mercury's 2024 Phoenix Reborn tour which featured Rudolf Pavlova and his Haze Theatre troupe on tour with
the glam rock queen.
The man remarked to Pavlova, ‘you're a young aristocrat, Rudolf, so you prefer those improper four letter words (referring to ‘cock’ and ‘dick’ slang one calls the … phallus …) instead of being proper with penis.’ Fairy was seated beside Pavlova on the sofa. I could see Pavlova glance over at Fairy who noticeably looked embarrassed., lowered ‘her’ eye lined dark exotic eyes, glossed lips pressed in suppressed laughter, black nails left hand smoothing ‘her’ satin pant leg. Pavlova replied, ‘well, then, that’s quite the word’ swirling his cherry brandy, looking down in it also with suppressed laughter playing around his lips. The man then said, ‘yes, it’s proper. The penis makes the man. Especially the gay man. The more well-endowed the better.’
I watched as Fairy’s eyes closed as she sat slowly shaking ‘her’ midnight black hair head, obviously trying so hard not
to laugh and wanting so bad to leave the room. Fighting hard to be serious and … proper … Pavlova’s broken English Russian accent replied, ‘yes, most gay men are, yes? I prefer tucked. Well, not mine, of course.’ The man replied,
‘Well, of course.’ The ballet danseur then breathes, ‘why we deecuss thees?’ Fairy tosses her midnight black hair
over ‘her’ shoulder, sibilant purr purring, ‘I asked him if he would share intimate details on Nureyev and Freddie’s relationship, dear.’
Pavlova breathes, ‘ah yes, eets not appropriate, but he has obliged you, femmka.’ then to the man,
‘Forgive. She ees Bohemian way of life, as you must know. Like Freddie.’ The man gazes at the exotic divine lush creature who so eerily resembles the rock legend Freddie Mercury (of the 1970s) slowly shaking his head saying,
‘just a remarkable resemblance to Freddie. Absolutely remarkable.’
**To be informed when the new page is updated, or for any updates to the ever so elegant Fairy Mercury's public site, we encourage fans to join the fan club (if you haven't already) or you can subscribe for updates here.
A Mild Sensation?
What The Statistics Tell Us
Is there a need for Fairy Mercury? The resounding answer is YES! The glam rock Killer Queen's fan club site has over
16 million paying members. S/he has made history selling out numerous venues on her past 3 major tours throughout Europe and UK.
I, Jorge Schumann (Public Relations for Fairy Mercury, Haze Theatre and Myaow Meeow Productions) spoke with Marketing Director David Somes. He gave me the above screenshot and told me that the successful entertainer is fairing well as far as being promoted online, having an online existence. One of the 'keywords' (more appropriately, phrases) which is currently ranking at 27 is 'Freddie Mercury reborn'. The public site itself is currently ranking at 20.
'Freddie Mercury reborn' says it all. There is a need, an interest. It is important to have people such as Fairy and even Rudolf Pavlova, keeping a live, paying tribute to the legends Rudolf Nureyev and Freddie Mercury through their eerie likeness and talents. In the words of the man who knew Sir Joseph Lockwood (head of Queen's EMI record label and chairman of the Royal Ballet): ‘just a remarkable resemblance to Freddie. Absolutely remarkable.’
Coming Next: Fairy announces the fan contest winner/name of her 2025 spring/summer Europe/UK tour.
Also, Pavlova and Fairy discuss Ron Craster's 'write-up'.
Hello dears. Rudy Pavlova and I have decided not to discuss the write-up. We've been at that a bit too long now. It's time we moved off it. I must tell you this bit of naughtiness I was up to instead. I had read this old ... fairy ... tale titled The Necklace Of Fiorimonde. It was so wild! It gave me a very naughty idea. I told Rudy that I wanted to tell him of a story I read. A lovely little Victorian era ... fairy ... tale. I deliberately tarted myself up beforehand, and tried to position my Freddie replica layered necklace as in this concert photo of myself below. I added a delectable photo of my prince alongside it.
His gorgeous blue/grey eyes gazing at me, as I purred ever so seductively, 'it's about a king's daughter. He felt it was time that she found and married a prince. She didn't want to because she was secretively meeting up with an old witch who had given her great beauty and teaching her witchcraft. All that would be found out about if she married.'
At that moment, he took my black nails left hand caressing the back of it, continuing to gaze intently at me, as
I continued purring, 'distraught, Fiorimonde went to the witch and told her of the king's plans and asked what she should do.'
This is the wild part, dears. The witch gave Fiorimonde a gold cord to wear around her neck and told her that any prince who were to court her, to get them to take hold of the gold cord, and they would turn into a bead on the cord.
When I told Rudy this part, his eyes lowered to my 'cascading down my ... tits ... layered necklace' I mean, it was so fucking sexy, dears! His Russian accent breathed, 'well, then, why would she not want a prince?' Then his lips parted, gazing with an extreme ... aroused ... look at, most likely, my nipple ... His eyes then quickly moved to my face as he breathed, 'so then, I suppose they all turn into thees beads, yes? Thees ees ususual story. Why you tell, femmka?
No romance.'
Like a very naughty tart, I purred, 'I'll make it very romantic, Rudy, darling, if you take hold of my necklace.' He was so fucking erect! It was all I could do to have a quick glance at the distracting bulge in his trousers. Mmm, for my gay honies, I'm sure you know there is something so very arousing about a man's breathing becoming husky with passion ...
He breathed, 'theen what happens if I touch your necklace, femmka? The necklace that I am verree jealous at?'
Again, I purred in the most seductive purr I could manage, 'you've only to take hold and find out.' The rest is too naughty for words. Aww, I know, you're upset and disappointed to know the rest. Oh, wouldn't you just like to know ...
Now for the tour name contest winning details. Gary Hampton in Cardiff is the winner. The name he came up with for my 2025 spring/summer Europe/UK tour will be 'Messenger Of The Gods'. Which is what Mercury (Hermes) was.
Rudy Pavlova and I will start working on a new video of myself performing the Freddie written Queen song
'Get Down, Make Love'.
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - We much like new tour name chosen. As for what she shares with her adoring fans. She teases. This is what she does. It is why she stops at the ... climax ... she is campy queen like her idol Freddie was.
At later date, perhaps tomorrow, I tell of campiness and ... forbidden ... that happened when I took hold her necklace.
I made it quite theatrical, playing the role of ... prince ... I dance as princes (as Nureyev did), unruly creature is convinced, not to be unconvinced, that I am for real a prince. Fans of Nureyev thought he was noble-royal lineage. They would not believe otherwise. He was very close friends of president of the Royal Ballet, Countess Margaret Snowdon (sister of Queen Elizabeth II) and her husband Lord Snowdon along with others such as Prince Norihito Takamado (prince of Japan), etc. He once was quoted talking about how he danced as princes but was born a peasant. I believe it is because of my great wealth and, yes, aristocratic upbringing that has my femmka is convinced of this. As well as the people that I know. Oh, how we mirror Nureyev and Freddie in so so many ways, my lovely femmka ...
This is most unfortunate, as you British say. Adoring fans of this unruly creature, I have to delay telling what became of her silly girl necklace eroticism. No one know where my femmka is!! The man who knew Sir Joseph Lockwood, etc. had come for tea upon my invite. Yes, he faithfully looks at Fairy's site (you will be surprised some who do, if only you knew and if only we could reveal...) He tells her of time Freddie was being campy queen 'Liza-like', having met this Prince Andrew, Duke of York (2nd son of Queen Elizabeth II). This another 'Lockwood's doings' (as man talks). Freddie's scarf dangling into Prince Andrew's drink, and he took it out, telling Freddie, 'I don't think you really want this getting wet.'
Curious, I ask this man what would a rockstar like Freddie Mercury be doing mingling with Prince Andrews? That it seems odd - out of sorts. But it was very true. Apparently, Freddie spoke of this and it's mentioned in a book.
He said most likely Sir Lockwood's doing and Freddie was very obsessed with the Royal Ballet, literally wanting to join it, and very obsessed and in love with Nureyev. This can not be expressed enough by many I know who knew them.
Then the man started to say, 'need I remind you, Freddie was very obsessed and in love with Nureyev. Although he wasn't a real life prince' and told her that Nureyev secretively attended Queen's '76 Hyde Park concert. This sent her into hysterics! She shrieked like a wild feline creature and fled the room. We do not know where she is!!
Photographer is looking, entire entourage. I have my people searching for my femmka. I am worried.
Before all this happened, it was funny. She obsessively kept looking at this page to see if I posted what I planned to.
I pretend to be very busy, to tease her. Once Fairy is found, then we continue. -- Pavlova
(Reminder: the gay slang 'queen' refers to a gay male who is effeminate)
Hello dears. I didn't know I was missing. HA! Those aristocrats ... they tend to be a little melodramatic and theatrical ...
I went into a bit of hysterics when that man mentioned Rudy Nureyev secretively attended Queen's '76 Hyde Park concert. It's been a dream since I pursued my career as an entertainer; to play Hyde Park. I'm telling you though, dears, if I stayed around, it would have given me even more cause to go into hysterics!! The man never got to finish.
Aww, it's lovely how Rudy Pavlova excuses my 'lack of royal etiquette' by telling people such as that man, that I am
'Bohemian way of life'. He refuses to call me a commoner ...
Anyway, I went to my London home and looked through my collection and I found not only the book that mentioned Freddie having met Prince Andrew but an article. After I had re-merged from my so called having been missing,
the man was still at the Pavlova estate. He told me the rest!! He said Freddie attended the Royal Ballet with that one we know as 'Mr. X' and a few others. This was in the late 1970s. I think 1977-8. That was how Freddie met Prince Andrew. The article reads, 'Freddie planned to take Andrew to a gay club'. Apparently, they (Freddie, that 'Mr. X' and others that s/he came with) were off to the gay club here in London - Heaven - after attending the Royal Ballet. I asked the man if it was one of Nureyev's ballets. He said he was pretty sure it was. Then again, he stressed how very in love and obsessed with Nureyev Freddie was. He told me, 'the only reason I brought it up. It's not to be impressed by that Andrew, but Freddie having that campy queen moment with the scarf which was very Liza-ish. That was a popular Liza look, scarves, you know. One of Freddie's many Liza inspirations.'
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Now that my femmka, your star, has been found, I continue. Although what I write will be disappointingly short. I take hold this 'cascading layered necklace' and I say, 'ah, my rival, I see we meet again.'
Then I say quite theatrical, 'oh! No!! I have turned into a bead!' I release it and pinch her nipple. I tell not the rest. It wouldn't be appropriate for me. Yes, for her it would be because she is Bohemian way of life ... We have such wonderful sex, do we not, femmka? ...
~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Rudy darling, no one is impressed by that Andrew. As one of my fans wrote in the fan club comments, 'that Andrew was ugly even when he was young in the 1970s. The man is right, the only worth mentioning is Freddie's campy queen moment about her scarf in that wanker's drink. All those British royalty idiots are ugly. Dowdy. Half of them are balding twats. Nureyev/Pavlova are true 'princes' even if they really weren't.' I got a laugh over the comment! I thank the fan who posted it. Mmm, 'wonderful' is an underestimate of the sex we have, dear ...
Ahem. Anyway, luvies, originally my new spring/summer tour was going to be named 'Get Down, Make Love' after the Queen song, but I decided on the contest. That's a little behind the scenes you might be interested in. As I mentioned before, the delectable Russian ballet ... prince ... and I will be working on a video of me performing the song soon.
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Fairy, please do delete the 'boring bitchery' you added. [omitted] As for what one of your adoring fans wrote you post about. I laugh a haughty smug laugh. The only British royal family I've ever been impressed with was Snowdons. Because they were Royal Ballet. They were very close friends of Nureyev. I agree that the only thing about that moment was Freddie being upstaging campy queen with her scarf. Fairy, don't delete the Cambridge dictionary meaning of effeminate. It perfectly defines you and Freddie. The word Freddie was constantly described as in looks and personality. 'Queens'.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Fan club comment among many posted in reply to the one Fae posted about:
'I didn't know princes were ugly. Pavlova and his eerie resemblance to lord (prince) of dance Nureyev perfectly defines what a prince should look like and behave and be like. LOL'balding twats' was a good one, mate!'
The fan club comments are hilarious, Fae... I might like to add concerning Pavlova's comment, Lord Snowdon (as he called himself but he really wasn't a 'lord'. First ever commoner to marry into the 'royal family') was a wannabe photographer. He actually sort of became Nureyev's personal photographer. One of his well-known shoots of the ballet legend was, I believe it was 8 pages, shoot in ... Vienna ... when Nureyev danced Swan Lake which appeared in Life magazine. Nureyev was Snowdon's favourite subject to photograph. The conversation we had on a very long ago page (let me use the site custom search to find it) Too many. I can't. So you fans feel free to read the pages Snowdon was discussed by us: Snowdon. Nureyev and Snowdon were voted the best dressed men back then (1960s -1970s).
~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Greg, thank you for that. It hit a nerve with him. He loathed the idea of Freddie being campy queen with that wanker. Not Nureyev and at a ballet at that. He's upset. I left him alone. He started his Tatar temper, speaking Russian and I had his valet translate some of it. He spoke of Dame Eleanor was Snowdon lineage. He's defended the lineage in what he posted in reply to me. He was made to lie. Whereas he is Nureyev and Nijinsky lineage. The lie was an insult because he is pure Russian and Snowdon was British. Only a fool would fall for such an obvious lie. He is glad the truth came out (in 2023) about him and his identity. That article I have, talking of the only thing worth that moment was Freddie bit he wrote in reply to me, that article was like that. I meant to show him it today. It spoke of Freddie wearing a 'skin tight outfit' - obvious more of 'her' tarting it up to get Nureyev's attention.
You know, like that funny dressing in the silver sequin leotard and going to the Royal Ballet for ballet lessons in hopes the love of 'her' life Nureyev would be there. My fans, I am posting below gifs from video footage of myself in replicated look alongside one of MY prince... dancing ballet the day of our wedding at his Vienna estate.
My darlings, you are too funny in the fan club comments today. The replies to that prick Andrew thread. You must stop before I end up popping my ... tuck ... and wetting myself. And you most definitely don't want that, now do you?
I mean, this comment: 'oh go back to being a toad and don't let no one kiss you! Freddie being campy queen upstaged that dull moment. Our Killer Queen's Russian prince (and Nureyev) are the only princes this world needs. Lords of dance!! Beauty, elegance and grace. Not lords of boring serious rubbish politics. I just can't about 'balding twats'. Still wishing I had Pavlova's princely bob hairstyle.'
Whilst we await Prick Andrew (is that old geezer even still alive?) to turn back into a toad (although we thought it was
a frog that is kissed and turned into a prince. But toad is close enough 😅) never to be kissed again, the Fairy...tale couple will be on tomorrow, Loyal Subjects. Just a reminder, the public site is not posted to throughout weekends.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: FYI - the above photo is the very first photo ever taken of Fairy and Pavlova together. The very first time Fairy performed at Haze Theatre. What memories!
-- Because of the success of glam rock Killer Queen Fairy Mercury's Phoenix Reborn tour having Russian ballet danseur Pavlova and his Haze Theatre troupe as supporting act, it has been announced that they will be joining Fairy on her Messenger Of The Gods tour. Video below is what you can expect:
'Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)'
The ever so elegant glam rock queen Fairy Mercury flawlessly performing the Japanese song
of Queen. The video was created by Fairy and the Russian ballet danseur Pavlova, who appears along with
live foot of Fairy throughout. Below is partial what Pavlova had to say about making of the video:
The lovely part where she clenches gloved hand, I choreographed it to go along with her effeminate vocals singing '...though I hold the flower that touches you'. The song is beautiful. It reminds me of ballet. Disappointingly and surprisingly not written by her beloved idol Freddie Mercury (who adored Japan) but the guitarist. Footage of myself from one of my (less tragic) ballet productions, I add to part 'they'd say we're all fools, and we don't understand'. She was so very lovely becoming ... shy ... purring, 'where did you get that, Rudy darling?!'
The footage of her throughout, is breathtakingly effeminate and androgynous creature. The love of my life. Fairy being from India (as her idol) speaks Hindi and Japanese fluently. She effortlessly sang both English and Japanese lyrics with perfect Freddie Mercury emulated vocals.
You can read the full making of the video on page: Pouncing And Pooving with continuation on Repertoire
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: I want to run with this soooo bad! It would make for good publicity ... and since you, Loyal Subjects, want candid on Fae ... I was taking tea with the glam rock effeminate queen. She received a text.
She is so very shy of Pavlova. She purred, 'what?! I mean ...' in her whispery soft spoken sibilant purr, blushing with a
shy embarrassed look on her face. You guys, I'm sure, know of 'jock straps'. Ballet danseurs wear them under their leotards. I looked over Fairy's shoulder. The text was in Russian. She clicked to translate it in English. It said: 'baby, did you get my last text? Why you not reply?' She was shaking her long midnight black hair head with a lovely elegant ...
flick of the wrist ... of her black varnished nails left hand, then purred to me, 'seriously, Greg, how would you reply having been sent this in a text? I just can't! I mean, he is so fucking sexy!' Holding out her phone to me, a photo of Pavlova in a black jock strap. I wasn't going to read the text that accompanied it. I'm sure it was intimate and none of my business. I almost begged Fairy to come on her site and post about it along with a new photo of Fairy I had taken.
Tomorrow, Loyal Subjects, that and more details on Fairy's upcoming tour.
Update, along with my shit spelling errors I corrected. As you fans know, Fairy attended the ballet over the past weekend. One that Pavlova danced in. Apparently, he was very ... aroused ... over the 'tarted up' way she came to see him dance. That was some of the very sexual content of the text messages which led up to him sending her the jock strap photo. Some of what I managed to read: 'the dressing room was full of bouquets and boxes of chocolates. The typical gratitude gifts to the ballet danseurs. Bah! These pale in comparison to you, my exotic femmka, looking alluring, ravishing in the VIP section, those full sensuous lips glistening in the dim theatre lighting over the audience.
It is you I long for, enticing creature.'
I am going to post this and be brief and I'm sorry for the negative bitchery once again, my dear fans. This is to my lesbian fans. Above photo of me that my photographer Greg Hastings and I found while looking through his thousands of on and offstage photos he's taken. Dressed in Freddie kimono stage look. You like? I got to thinking about all of you. I wanted to say a special thanks (after thinking of what being a lesbian entails). You're not into men. You only like feminine things. Many of you stated in the fan club comments that's why you're fans of myself (and, of course, Freddie) because of being an effeminate gay male, a 'queen'. Your hatred of straight cunts because of their interest in straight pricks. As I had stated on Dearie Me (towards the end of that page), the only female we accept (me and my people) are lesbians because you're not into our dicks. We're quite put off by cunts because we're not sexually interested in them. Actually, not interested in them period. I'm sick of the intruding cunts lusting after my man and what's with the fucking courtiers page. I didn't know my site was about Pavlova or my entourage. It's about me, the star, the entertainer - the Freddie Mercury lookalike/impersonator.
So I wanted to take a special moment to thank you, my lesbian fans, before I post about what Greg asked me to.
You must realize, which you have (by the comments section) that as an effeminate gay male, a 'queen' (as Freddie was),
I lust cock. Liza Minnelli was known for being especially fond of effeminate. She was married to a gay male (her first marriage). She was very close friends with the effeminate gay clothing designer Halston.
I tend to believe she might have been lesbian, if not bisexual. She is the only female I care anything for because I find it fascinating Freddie idolized her and got much of his androgynous inspiration from her. Liza got herself a ballet man
(Baryshnikov) and s/he (Freddie) got himself his own ballet man (Nureyev). Cute.
So, thank you for your fandom. xx Fairy Killer fucking Queen Mercury
In a few moments, I will be posting the two photos my photographer mentioned. The one Rudy Pavlova texted me and the one Greg took of myself. Then maybe later today (or Monday. No more weekends...) I'll post about them.
Apparently, we're having issues with my site at the moment. Things aren't showing up.
Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio: Loyal Subjects, we are experiencing serious issues with the site. The glam rock queen herself is trying hard to meet the before weekend deadline about the two above photos and the text msg. her prince sent, etc. She wanted to post about. We deleted a few redirects and suddenly the site is loading very slow and certain parts aren't showing up. Frustrating!!! Btw, Fae, what you told me about Pavlova's hand being positioned just right in that photo - teasingly blocking his well-endowed cock was funny. Can't wait until you're able to post about it. The photo of you, so Freddie off Queen II.
~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I hate when this happens, dears! We have to literally strip my site of many things in order to sort out the problem! So (pouts) it doesn't look like I'll be able to, until Monday, get to tell of the naughtiness between me and my prince. Such as what Greg wrote. I texted that back about the photo because I was quite disappointed that Rudy's hand was obscuring his cock. I was being so camp about it, dears. I texted: 'aww, your hand is obscuring
your ... penis ... Rudy darling. What a tease!' In his reply, he wrote he was laughing because we just have such fun about who the hell uses 'penis'? Oh, I wish so much I could tell all about it. I truly hope we sort out this issue!
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - To fan, both Fairy and I have been in very bad moods when it comes to internet.
Same tired tedious nonsense. Never changes. We have decided to break away from it for a while. Besides, there is more to life than being online. My femmka and I personally can't stand how centred around the internet life has become.
What is wrong with people enjoying the pleasures of life. Not staring at a damn computer screen sitting around on their asses the majority of the day?! Enough on that utterly boring topic. Fairy has decided not to continue what she was doing last on her public site. Next month (March) the tour itinerary for her Messenger Of The Gods tour will be revealed. The countries/cities, venues, dates and times. It will start off on the European leg of the tour in Vienna and go from there. I have one more thing to share with you fans of 'glam rock queen'. She was kind of excited about it herself.
A new way Wix (the company we have her site hosted through) has a new AI generated social posts system. It generates posts for you. That way you don't have to run the damn thing yourself. She hasn't the time and is not interested in
social media whatsoever. I would be completely against her using that platform. The only exception would be the
AI generated posting this Wix is now providing. So we will be creating a Facebook account for Fairy. Facebook and Pinterest are the only social sites she will make an exception to be promoted/publicized on. We held meeting at Haze Theatre yesterday, and it is one of many things we discussed. This AI generated social posts is automatic. It creates posts and automatic posts them to the account for you. She won't need to manage it or appoint anyone else to.
Very convenient. So this will be up and running soon.
~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ Too funny, dears! So much for that! What I think of that fucking overrated shit show called 'social media'. My PR man tried to sign up an account for me on that Flopbook, and it wouldn't let him because some rubbish about you have to use your real name. Ummm, sorry asses! That is my real name! I legally changed it to Fairy Mercury!
Talking of names, I was so jealous, dears, over some ass having Rhapsody for a name in a book I was reading. Naturally, I was obsessed by Bohemian Rhapsody. Anyway, what we're going to do is use this AI generating thing because it is rather fascinating to create posts for my Pinterest account instead.
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Fairy, not to be 'cheeky' as British say, but you could always have Jorge sign up using your Parsee birth name in hopes the name can be changed in the settings. If not, he can always delete account.
~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ No, Rudy darling, I'm not that desperate to have a Flopbook account. I had him contact Wix suggesting they add Pinterest. I think it's odd they don't because Pinterest is quite popular of a social network.
I'm just going to cheat and copy/paste one of the AI posts onto my Pinterest account. Wait for it... HA!!
I might even run an ad for it. Rudy darling, pick out a photo of me to 'pin' along with it.
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Now this is funny. Very like you, unruly creature. Asking me to choose photo will be difficult. So give me time to decide, yes? You should run ad. I would be curious to see how results.
~~ Fairy Mercury ~~ I can hardly imagine which one you'll choose ... Rudy, I decided to create a 'carousel'. So let's add a few photos to it. Then we'll run an ad. Hoping you can do that with a carousel. If not, then we'll have to edit it.
It's ugly!! Abort before Greg sees it and gets upset! It's making the photos distorted and cropped!
Pavlova (ballet danseur) - This is funny too, femmka. We can't have photographer turning into diva. Upload them individually. I see why you hate photo galleries for that reason alone. Have you tried the AI generated image these people offer, Fairy? You should out of curious feline using yourself as the subject. One of your 'concept art' creativity.
Perhaps something to use to advertise your tour, yes?