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42 items found for "Francis Boyd"

  • Fairy Mercury | Will You Do The Fandango?

    Boyd to join me on my public site Thursday caused quite a stir. HA!! I was, as they say, 'given the third degree' about why am I "trying to get information out of Francis Boyd when you should just come directly to Pavlova! Boyd scolded her. She couldn't properly thank Pavlova over the phone for the get well roses. Francis James Boyd were lovers. As you know, he is gay thus ending the relationship.

  • Fairy Mercury | Airy - Fairy

    Spender ' (2 different performances) Brighton cabaret, England 'White Queen (As It Began) ' - Paris, France Vienna, France, Germany. NOT FOR USE Fairy Mercury -- I am here at my authorized buyer Francis Boyd's Oxford Francis gave it to me. A LOT of androgyny. Effeminate. I expected it. S/he was such a 'queen'. Pavlova (ballet danseur) - Francis Boyd (Auction Broker and Fairy's authorized buyer) was funny.

  • Fairy Mercury | Behind The Throne

    I do not like Francis Boyd and never have. But he gets job done expected of him.

  • Fairy Mercury | Heir To The Throne

    Francis James Boyd (auction broker/authorized buyer for FM) - [first 1/2 omitted] Pavlova, I personally Francis J. Boyd (my authorized buyer) in conversation about that video he wanted to discuss. Boyd had told you, the way I present myself in Pavlova's presence. The stalker spectacles even acted ridiculous about Francis Boyd obvious for that reason. I really do hope Francis Boyd can end that damn issue.

  • Fairy Mercury | Let Me Entertain You

    Francis Boyd? This, below, really was funny... I don't wish to be partial, kitten .... but I fancy the satin cat...suit on you the best. Like Pavlova said, Nureyev fancied effeminate gays/queens.

  • Fairy Mercury | Command Performance

    _________________________ Fairy now soars to Paris France. from Fairy Mercury's fan club site: Hello dears, just a quick note to let you know we have arrived in France I asked Francis Boyd to deal with it or else he's done and for good this time.

  • Fairy Mercury | Loyal Subjects

    Francis James Boyd would be someone you might like to ask to (ahem) interview ... because it's odd how Francis J. Boyd's 'write up' appears rightfully so on the page A Little Silhouetto Of A Queen . by it upon learning of it from Francis James Boyd. Francis James Boyd posted about: '...just can't deal with the bitter truth. Francis Boyd and his partner Raymond. They are really nice. As you guys know, Mr.

  • Fairy Mercury | Glam Rock 'N Roll

    As for France, I was stung by a bee! Can you believe it, dears?! On my thigh of all places!! As you fans know, I am in France with the 'FAIRY...tale couple' for two weeks. I know in the very touching gesture, her and Pavlova are flying Francis Boyd's partner's body to France Fairy Mercury LIVE in Paris, France - Tomorrow, 28 Sept. He was buried in France, the country he defected to.'

  • Fairy Mercury | The FAIRY ... Tale Couple

    The very wealthy Russian prince/ballet danseur Pavlova who has homes in France, Vienna and England. Photo of Francis Boyd posed with Pavlova - I was told to cruelly crop Fairy out of the photo when it

  • Fairy Mercury | Phoenix Reborn

    I had my authorized buyer Francis Boyd purchase me something that is! HA!! Photo left: Auction broker and authorized buyer for Fairy Mercury, Francis James Boyd , with the multimillionaire Why Pavlova hates Boyd? Because Boyd was commissioned to bid on Freddie's leotard on behalf of Pavlova estate. According to Sir Thomas, 'he (Boyd) had permission to bid until bidding was exhausted and Pavlova won

  • Fairy Mercury | Bows and Curtain Calls

    ., in France, for giving permission to screencap your fan club comment. And how is Francis? I should hope we settle differences. Why they do this? That Francis (Boyd, Raymond's partner for the past 16 yrs.) was furious to find out that clownish shit

  • Fairy Mercury | Repertoire

    Boyd, what burns me up is those hateful one twats taking away that Freddie collaborating with her crush To Francis, I got the maneki neko (Japanese waving cat) routed to my London home. Oh my god! She felt bad because Francis Boyd has a very strong loyalty and attachment to Fairy and Pavlova. He'll meet up with us in France. They were all soooo willing to talk up oldie fuck Boyd, but whenever I'd try to do audience participation


Myaow Meeow Productions


Nothing on this site is Freddie Mercury nor is it to be mistaken for him.

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Photography: Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

Philip Goldman, assistant photographer

A nod to Fairy's Courtiers

Flawless replica of Freddie Mercury's stage wardrobe for Fairy: Haze Theatre Costume Dept.

Management to Fairy Mercury: Haze Theatre / Myaow Meeow Productions

Web Design:  Greg Hastings, Fairy Mercury, Alonso Lafar

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