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42 items found for "Francis Boyd"

  • Fairy Mercury | Divine Lush Creature

    Francis Boyd just now contacted me telling me someone from your country Russia has written a book on

  • Fairy Mercury | Love Of My Life

    Francis James Boyd the man who I explained about in deleted 'Blank Page' - you know, my authorized buyer Boyd over 'he's so fucking charming' you said about your mgr. Boyd in the 'Love Of My Life' post, Fairy.

  • Fairy Mercury | Androgynous Hermaphrodite

    Nureyev fancied campy ‘queens’ (effeminate gays). Freddie was that. Nureyev fancied ass while (campy queen) Freddie fancied cock. Just like Pavlova and Fairy. Francis James Boyd, auction broker and authorized buyer for FM: [section omitted] You ever notice they Boyd, I am VERY impressed with Fairy and am very fond of her. Nureyev hated cunts. He only fancied campy effeminate gays.

  • Fairy Mercury | Funny How Love Is

    Francis J. Boyd Gets A Mention For Uniting The FAIRY … Tale Couple Another entry from the diary translated to read Francis James Boyd. I sat my laptop before Pavlova on his desk, announcing – I have found her! Boyd: If I may. As I told you, Fairy, what I did about running auctions for that Dame Eleanor. X' says au revoir from South of France to superstar queen. They made it there.

  • Fairy Mercury | Dearie Me

    Fancy effects’ thrown in here and there. I realized that, well, what he himself said. seriously can't wait until you hear about it, my dears. _______________________________ I see London, I see France Francis James Boyd will be marrying his partner Paul, on stage, during my concert!!

  • Fairy Mercury | The Millionaire Waltz

    I only fancy masculine gay men to complement my effeminate. Boyd, change it to my name because Moxie is getting tired of people sending him emails.

  • Fairy Mercury | Videos

    Vienna, France, Germany. Spender ' (2 different performances) Brighton cabaret, England 'White Queen (As It Began) ' - Paris, France

  • Fairy Mercury | Pomp And Circumstance

    France, are you ready for some glam rock 'n roll and ballet this weekend?! France, thank you for a marvellous time!! I wish we could stay longer. More on that on the new page, along with details on my Paris France concert. Weekend in France (including shows) were spent intense. This was during one of her concerts in France.

  • Fairy Mercury | Regal Splendour

    Boyd when he said I should know because the years I've spent in the theatre. I am 38.

  • Fairy Mercury | Fairy Mercury's Profile

    there is an obsession for Fairy and calling him the next Freddie Mercury, in which Fairy replied, 'very bold actually genuine is what wins .” -- Freddie Mercury This quote sounds so much like Fairy; fearless and bold

  • Fairy Mercury | Glam Rock Queen

    finding it pathetic to make a point of this, but these are the countries I can't stand.That fucking France That damn France is so lame. I liked your cut down of that lame freak show France.

  • Fairy Mercury | Killer Queen

    Would you fancy a lovely intimate stroll through Hyde Park instead, kitten? Fanciful queen; romanticist, just like her idol Freddie Mercury' +++ Fairy Mercury +++ I just can't,


Myaow Meeow Productions


Nothing on this site is Freddie Mercury nor is it to be mistaken for him.

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Photography: Greg Hastings | viVid Photo Studio

Philip Goldman, assistant photographer

A nod to Fairy's Courtiers

Flawless replica of Freddie Mercury's stage wardrobe for Fairy: Haze Theatre Costume Dept.

Management to Fairy Mercury: Haze Theatre / Myaow Meeow Productions

Web Design:  Greg Hastings, Fairy Mercury, Alonso Lafar

Artwork: Alonso Lafar, Haze Theatre Art Director and Fairy Mercury

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